

Meet LinHopArt | Lindsey Hopkins 


Hey Friend! I’m Lindsey Hopkins (Lin Hop Art, get it?) and I love creating in my studio, working on my flowerbeds, baking with my kids, and traveling.  I have taught art privately since 2013, in both in home party settings and private studio lessons. Once both of my kiddos were in school full time, I realized I could really pour into my creative side. I love being able to be with my family when I want/need to, and being able to create art full time. 

I love meeting other artists and brainstorming together. I believe there is room at the table for every artist at every level, so keep creating even when it feels hard. I get to meet other creatives at vendor events and other local meet ups. I’m happy to support other small business as often as I can. 

I graduated magna cum laude from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting. A professor once told me I “see like a painter”, and I’m just starting to figure out what she meant by that as my personal style continues to develop. I love to get my hands dirty and make art the traditional way, but I’ve also really enjoyed developing my skills with digital illustration the past few years. Technology offers a quick, make art anywhere, method for art and the joys of an “undo” button. Though sometimes you just have to make some ugly art to get to the masterpieces. However you do it, don’t think too hard, and just keep making art!